Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Terrorist's Son

The Terrorist's Son, by Zak Ebrahim, is a novel about a boy who is woken in the middle of the night by his mother to be rushed out of the house. Later he learns that his father was part of a terrorist act and that he had shot the founder of the Jewish Defense League. Coming from an Arab family, his mother and uncle are afraid of what happens next, even if they had no idea his father had a plan from the beginning. As a reader you get a full look at the struggle the family had to go through and the sacrifices they have to make. 

This book was based off of a Ted Talk, which I love to watch.  It was informal but also explains to you the different struggles the family had to deal with. I would recommend this to someone who reads/watches documentaries, or even someone who wanted a quick read. It was a very interesting book! -K.L

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