People are just like records. They have an A side and a B side that they can choose to show. In Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills, a senior in high school, named Elizabeth doesn’t feel like she is who she is. It is the constant struggle of deciding which side should be shown that Elizabeth has to deal with. Now is her time to play her B side and introduce the world to Gabe, the person who she feels like has been hiding her whole life. It is the love for music that keeps Gabe going through his life. Without music and a few close friends Gabe would never be able to find the confidence to express himself.
This book gives an insight as to what it is like to feel different ways and think differently from other people. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys music or is looking for a unique read. This book touches on many different subject matters that allows people to relate to it and enjoy reading this book.

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