"The War Withing These Walls" half novel, half graphic novel, is about a Jewish boy named Misha who lived in Warsaw, Poland during the Nazi regime. Jews were forced by the Nazis to live in the "Ghetto", a small closed off area of the city. The Nazis are taking everything. They are taking their families, their food, even their hope for survival. Jews from Warsaw have do what they can to find food for survival. They have to wait and wait, for days on end. Until one day, Misha gets an idea, a brilliant but awfully dangerous idea… to steal food. Misha wants to fight back.Seeing the diseased and starving makes him rage. He needs to find a way to save his mother and sister, but how can he do that when the Nazis are willing to kill anyone who steps out of line? Is he brave enough to make a stand? What does he have to lose if he tries? What would it cost him if he didn't try? Can the Nazis be stopped?
This is a short but powerful novel about a brave boy who needs to fight for his family. The Holocaust is something that has always interested me and this story tugged at my heart.
I would recommend this book to those who are interested in reading about the Holocaust and want to learn more about what the Nazis did and how the Jews suffered.
Reviewed by K.B.
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