The story revolves around a girl named Tavia, who is in a horrible plane crash, where she was going to visit her dream art school, Huntington Academy of the Arts, which is located in New York, with her parents. She is the only survivor. The accidents causes many physical and mental injuries, such as her destroyed knee or the fact that she cant't bring her self to paint or draw anymore. Tavia then has to go live with her aunt Reese and uncle Jay in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. There she also meets her new best friend Benson. Along the way, she meets a boy named Quinn, and after that she starts seeing things, making things appear, and even getting followed around by a guy known as "Sunglasses Man". In this thrilling and captivating novel, Tavia must decide which path to take and who she can trust.
This book is amazing for anyone who likes fiction or fantasy novels. It is a hard book to get into at first, but it is totally worth it in the end to read it all the way through.
Reviewed by R.G.
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