"The Help," a novel by Kathryn Stockett, reveals the realistic, however fictional, tale of the colored help in the small town of Jackson, Mississippi. Starting in August 1962 and continuing through the next year, the story focuses on Aibileen and Minny, two maids going through their daily lives of working for the white socialites of the town, and the hardships that come with the occupation. Stockett also puts a focus on Miss Skeeter, who is somewhat of a social anomaly, an aspiring writer who calls into question the societal norms of the town and the time. Together these three unsuspecting partners set out to change a town that cannot see the flaws in its ways.
Mae Mobley is a young girl and a small character who is a major driving force in Aibileen's decisions throughout the novel. Mae Mobly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leefolt, the family Aibileen is working for. Aibileen finds that she wants to change the ways of her small southern town in an attempt to make life in the future better for her "Baby Girl." As Aibileen teaches Mae Mobly serious lessons in the form of harmless stories, and as Mae Mobly takes these lessons in, Aibileen finds hope for the future of the town.
"The Help" is a must read, and should not be taken lightly. When you pick up this book be prepared to take an emotional roller coaster ride along side these inspiring characters. I commend Stockett on her outstanding job of shedding light upon the truth of life for colored help during the 1960's.
Reviewed by Heather Raimer
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