Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Four Secrets" by Margaret Willey (279 pgs)

Would you be intrigued by a book if the cover was only four black crows? That's what pulled me in.

This story involves a group of three kids, Nate, Katie, and Renata, who get put away into a juvenile center and refuse to tell their social worker how and why they kidnapped a fellow schoolmate. They made a pact, and none of them want to be the first to break it. The social worker has a plan to get them to spill their secrets. She asks each of them to keep a journal in the hopes that it will get them to tell her what happened. They do write in their journals. Katie writes two different journals, Nate writes his like a fantasy novel, and Renata chooses to do drawings instead. After some digging, the social worker figures out how they did it and why.

This book was a really good book because it kept me interested and kept drawing me back in to finish it. I think that people who enjoy mysteries would like this book.

Reviewed by R.G.