Welcome to Prentisstown, or as all the “other” settlements call it; that cursed town. A town where boys turn into men at the age of 13. Meet Todd, the last boy of Prentisstown, where there are no women, just men, and Noise. Everything Todd knows about Prentisstown changes when his guardians tell him to run away and take his dog Manchee with him. Scared and more than confused, he runs, and meets Viola. Tired and on the run, Todd and Viola will do nothing to stop running from Prentisstown, and get towards Haven. With Manchee by their side, Todd and Viola run and don’t stop, no matter how hurt they are. What’s a girl from space, a talking dog, and a boy who has Noise, supposed to do? Find out what happens next in this first book of the Chaos Walking trilogy.
Reviewed by:
Rachel B.