Would you ever be embarrassed about seeing your mom in a dumpster looking for food? Well, Jeanette has, and it wasn’t pretty. One day in New York, Jeanette was in a taxi on her way home from work and she spotted her mother digging in a dumpster.
Jeanette has three siblings Lori, Brian, and Maureen. In this book, Jeanette describes her childhood moving from town to town and dealing with poverty, an alcoholic father, and a mom who acts more like a child than a parent. Very often they were starving because their dad would rather spend money on alcohol. Later in the book, all the kids realize that their parents didn't do a very good job at raising them. They decide that they want to live a better life than what they had growing up. This is when the kids decided on their own to move to New York.
I thought this book was very interesting. Even though Jeanette’s childhood was lousy, she was very intelligent. For instance, when Jeanette was in elementary school she already knew how to code math by using a computer number system called binary.
At first I didn't know if I would like this book because it is a biography. I was thinking, why would I want to read about some else’s life? I wasn’t sure if I could relate to the author, Jeanette, but I really could. I thought it was a slow read at first but it started to pick up when she begin talking about her childhood.
This book has funny parts and some serious parts. The read was 288 pages. I think a lot of people would like this book even if it's not a genre you would normally read.